Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fleetwood's Cruel Borough Council

Our attorney John Muir and myself (Lisa of Fleetwood Pizza), attended the monthly borough council meeting this month. The following is what went on.
For about 1 hour the council sat repeating that they thought the Redevelopment Authority was working with us all this time. "It's been over a year since anyone has contacted us or our attorney." They say the builder of the old Tannery site is still planning to build his strip mall. The when is completely up in the air!
It was however interesting that council member Joseph W. Kuzmann who originally recused himself from the vote on this project due to the fact that he owns the other building which could have been considered as well to create this walkway. He spent half the time we were there discussing the same thing over and over...The burned out building that is across the street from us, was supposed to be offered to us in a fixed state. Now, there really isn't any commercial space available on Main Street. Therefore relocating us in a means not inconveniencing us too much seems out of the question now. Yet they still insist on the need for this strip mall to have it’s own personal walkway in the middle of the block, just because they can, even if it hurts innocent families and what they built their lives on. It’s arbitrary to take away a business that works and replace it with a dead plot of space to walk on.

Monday, March 9, 2009

All Is Quiet

It has now been over a year since we all attended that December town meeting. There is still no news on this project. The borough and the developer remain tight lipped. They both have web sites that are not updated. The Redevelopment Authority has a traffic study (May 2008 – Traffic Planning & Design(TPD) was hired to do preliminary traffic study for the various intersections in the Redevelopment Area. ) The borough has nothing after that meeting in December. Our attorney has tried to reach both and gets no response from either.
This does not anger me it simply leaves in dismay. Why would you build eveyone up then let them just sit there? I know the obviuos, the economy has alot to do with the stall. But, if you have funding available and it's first choice use goes south then why not please use that funding to fix the local roads, like Main Street and that aweful spot on Richmond at the railroad tracks? Why wait for the private developer to do his thing. The last thing the borough did was purchase 5 foot of the Tannery plot, in order to widen Foundry Alley, so widen it already! While thet're at it they might as well change it's name since it won't be a foundry there anymore. Why not call it "Dead Strip Mall Alley"!!!!!